Ap challenge

Emily Romero and Rebecca Sandeen recently returned from an impactful journey to Washington DC, where they showcased their innovative app, Accessify, at the Congressional App Challenge event known as #HouseofCode. Their creation stood out for its mission to assist individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing in accessing vital services during emergency situations.

Participating among more than 220 teams at the Capitol's demonstration fair, Romero and Sandeen proudly represented Minnesota Congressional District #6. Their efforts caught the attention of Congressman Tom Emmer, who not only serves as the district's representative but also holds the esteemed position of Majority Whip for the Republican Party.

During their time in the nation's capital, the duo had the privilege of meeting with Congressman Emmer and engaging in insightful discussions about their app's impact. Furthermore, they were treated to a tour of the historic Capitol building, graciously arranged by one of Congressman Emmer's dedicated staff members.

Their journey didn't end there! Romero and Sandeen seized the opportunity to connect with Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar. As a delightful touch of home, they indulged in pastries from their home state during Senator Klobuchar's renowned Minnesota Morning gatherings at the Russell Senate Building.

Accessify's recognition at #HouseofCode not only highlights the ingenuity of its creators but also underscores the importance of technology in fostering inclusivity and accessibility, particularly in times of crisis. Emily Romero and Rebecca Sandeen's dedication to serving their community through innovation serves as an inspiration, echoing the spirit of empowerment and advocacy for all.